The term "rat" can refer to hundreds of different species of mammal rodents. Its tail is bare, its muzzle pointed and its sharp teeth grow continuously. It has a very high reproductive capacity.

Nuisances :

Rats are the source of significant damage in buildings. Hypsodonts, their incisors grow all along their life, which is why they gnaw away at cables and partitions, thus creating much damage to thermal insulation. They are also dangerous for health, because they transmit many diseases: plague or leptospirosis among others.

Solutions :

To ratify properly, it is essential to collect clues in order to locate passageways and entrances to buildings. The exterminator must first obstruct these accesses with suitable and resistant materials before starting to set mechanical traps or rodenticidal baits.


The term "mouse" means all kinds of rodent mammals of small size, with pointed muzzles, round ears, grey or brown coats and long tails. A female can give birth to around 80 young per year !

Nuisances :

Mice can transmit several diseases including leptospirosis, hata virus or salmonellosis. They soil habitats, cupboards, food with their urine and feces. They cause serious damage to partitions, nesting in the insulation. By gnawing at electric wires, they can cause short circuits which can lead, in the worst case, to a fire.

Solutions :

As for the rat, it is essential to collect clues to locate areas of passage and entry into buildings. The exterminator must obstruct these accesses with suitable and resistant materials before starting to set mechanical traps or rodenticide baits.

VOLES, fieldmice, moles

Voles :

The term "Vole" is given to a large number of rodents. It is often confused with the field mouse. Usually living underground, he is a feared enemy of the gardener and the farmer.

Fieldmice :

The term "field mice" designates small country mammals with the appearance of a mouse, they are brown with short tails.

Moles :

The term "mole" can designate several types of mammal burrowers who live underground, in galleries and molehills thus ravaging lawns.

Solutions :

We have a fumigation device allowing us to treat large areas (parks, stadiums, golf courses ...) efficiently. This device leaves no solid product capable of causing accidental human or animal poisoning. We can also treat small areas with medium conventional devices such as the setting of mechanical traps or rodenticide baits.